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A pair of hands hold a paper cutout depicting a family group of a man, woman, son, daughter and a sibling in a wheelchair. All are linked.


With a background in education and having been a safeguarding lead for three schools, Trustworthy Services' Paul Lailey has an in depth understanding of safeguarding.  He says: 


"I have witnessed, first-hand, the challenges that some children and their families face.  I have supported very vulnerable children and adults at risk of harm through very difficult circumstances and I use my experiences to teach people how to develop safer working practices."


Paul can deliver training to your organisation, whether at an introductory FAA level one, or at a more advanced level as detailed below.  


FAA Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children,
Young People or Vulnerable Adults (RQF) one day course

We protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect through safeguarding.  Everyone has the right to be safe and live without the fear of abuse, neglect or exploitation.  Abuse, neglect and exploitation can occur anywhere and by anyone and sadly perpetrators can quite often be those in a position of trust.


This one day course will give you the skills and knowledge to make a difference to a vulnerable person's life.  It will teach you how to recognise the signs of abuse and neglect and what actions you can take to stop this from happening in the future. You will also learn correct reporting procedures and how to protect yourself whilst reporting incidents.


Topics covered in this course include:

  • Safeguarding legislation and guidance

  • Indicators of abuse or neglect

  • Making judgements

  • Communication

  • Roles and responsibilities

  • Sharing of information

  • Dealing with and reporting of allegations and complaints

  • Assessment and recording

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